
Friday, July 15, 2011

How to Walk the Talk: Keep Your Goals to Yourself

There are a lot of people, who constantly make a big fuss about their goals. They might be on a mission to quit smoking, lose weight or gain muscle or whatever they are into at the moment. If you are not one of them, you most certainly know some of them.

I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that!

And what happens? They never get shit done. Well technically, they do get started with a massive amount of enthusiasm but never actually finish anything. What they probably should've done, is keep their mouth shut. Let me explain.

Talking or Doing?

It's a good thing to tell people about your goals and intentions, isn't it? Apparently not. Some studies have been made and some books have been written about the subject. To cut the story short: telling someone your goals makes them less likely to happen.

Human brain isn't always very clever. Seemingly, it often can't make a difference between talking and doing. Telling someone your goal and getting aknowledged of that tricks your brain to think, that it's already been done. Because of that feeling of satisfation, you end up less motivated to actually do the dirty work.

Your brain is after the reward and it doesn't really mind, whether it comes from actually walking the walk or just talking the talk.

So, keep your goals to yourself and just do the work.

For more information, see a 3 minute TED Talk by Derek Shivers titled Keep Your Goals to Yourself.